Health and Wellbeing Board North Yorkshire


North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board



Remote Meeting via Microsoft Teams



Friday, 19 March 2021

From 9.15  - 9.45 am

Pursuant to The Local Authorities and Police and Crime Panels (Coronavirus) (Flexibility of Local Authority Police and Crime Panel Meetings) (England and Wales) Regulations 2020, this meeting will be held using video conferencing with a live broadcast to the Council’s YouTube site.  Further information on this is available on the committee pages on the Council website -


The meeting will be available to view once the meeting commences, via the following link -





Agenda Item


Page Nos.

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Formatting for COMMENTS:







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Welcome by the Chair







Apologies for Absence









To note

5 - 6




Declarations of Interest







Public Questions or Statements

Members of the public may ask questions or make statements at this meeting if they have given notice and provided the text of their question or statement to Patrick Duffy of Democratic Services (contact details below)no later than midday on Tuesday 16th March 2021.  Each speaker should limit themselves to 3 minutes on any Item.






Minutes of last meeting held on 22nd January 2020


To approve

7 - 20




The last twelve months: Reflections - Presentation by Richard Webb, Corporate Director of Health and Adult Services; Amanda Bloor, Accountable Officer, North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Louise Wallace, Director of Public Health

To note





Any other business which, in the opinion of the Chair, should be considered as a matter of urgency







Barry Khan

Assistant Chief Executive (Legal andDemocratic Services)

County Hall, Northallerton


11th March 2021


Contact Details

For all enquiries relating to this Agenda please contact Patrick Duffy on Tel: 01609 534546


or by email  to:










1.    The Health and Wellbeing Board is exempt from the requirements as to political balance set out in Sections 15-16, Schedule 1 Local Government Housing Act 1989


2.    The Councillor Membership of the Board is nominated by the Leader of the Council. In the event that the number of portfolio holders responsible for health and well related issues increases, the additional portfolio holders will also be a Member ofthe Board.

3.  All members of the Health and Wellbeing Board or any sub committees of the Health and Wellbeing Board are voting Members unless the Council decides otherwise




Health and Wellbeing Board North Yorkshire




These ground rules areabout Team North Yorkshire Health and Wellbeing Board and should apply within and outside of Board meetings. They were adopted by Board members in June 2015.



We have made a commitment that when working together wewill treat each other with respect, with openness and honesty. We will make sure that there is equality

everyone is of equal value in the room. We will contribute and take part, committing to listen and ask questions of each other, checking that what we heard is what was intended.W e believe it isgood to be passionate, and we know that constructive challenge is helpful in getting us to a better place. W e must voice disagreement, otherwise silence implies consent but recognise that this should be done with respect to other points of view.  We shouldn’t expect the

same sort of challenge in the public arena.




We have a responsibility to model exemplary behaviour, inside and outside of the HWB meetings, as Board members we should give and acceptsupport and bring collective experience and knowledge to this BoardOur discussions need to focus on added value and outcomes and we must take responsibility for our decisions. We should ensure that we communicate and cascade to our respective audiences and organisations.



We believe that we should continually strive to be better and wear our team badges - TeamNorth Yorkshire with pride.